smarter online marketing... gets RESULTS!

  • Facts:


    The mobile web is 3 times larger than the internet and it's growth is exponential.


    Smart phones have changed the way we interact and have created massive opportunity.


    Mobile phones are hands on, in constant use and are a step away from replacing your wallet.


    Research has shown business increases user engagement by 85% with a mobile specific site.


    Search is the most used function on mobile. Your business must be able to be found effectively...


    74% of Smartphone Shoppers have made a purchase as a result of using a Smart Phone.

The Mobile Year in Review 2010

The Mobile Year in Review 2011

No more driving to the bank... You will soon be able to do everything from depositing your cheques to paying your bills with a click of your phone.

Back in January, I revealed that the mobile banking industry was in a period of rapid transformation. And yet, most investors were completely unaware.

Fast forward and not too much has changed. Sure, Google's (Nasdaq:GOOG) launch of its highly anticipated near field communications (NFC) application – Google Wallet – has people buzzing about the potential for mobile payments. But as my colleague, Justin Fritz, recently revealed, mass-market adoption for NFC isn't happening as quickly as predicted.

However, the same can't be said about another niche of the mobile banking industry. Specifically, remote deposit capture (RDC). What's that, you say? It's simply a technology that enables consumers to deposit checks into their bank account by snapping a picture of them with their mobile phone. Talk about convenient! So it's no wonder why over 200 financial institutions presently offer RDC services. And more than a thousand institutions are expected to offer them within the next year. Heck, a recent industry report from AlixPartners LLP went as far as pegging mobile RDC as possibly "one of the most important retail-banking innovations of this decade." And I agree.

Ever washed your phone or got it wet? Usually that doesn't end well... With the new HZO technology that will change.

Zagg has done it again. Not content to sit around waiting for the next SHIELD device, they went to work protecting your electronics products from the inside. Yes, we said FROM THE INSIDE. How? We have no freaking idea, but the demo is amazing. Zagg has figured out how to use a chemical to bond to electronics in order to prevent water from doing what water does - namely short out any electronics it comes into contact with it. How do we know it's real? Because Zagg demonstrated it in a fishbowl with an iPod that kept playing - along with a speaker connected to its headphone jack - for over 15 minutes. If this isn't hype and the process is able to be made to work for consumers, then this could be the the next evolution in manufacturing for electronics products. I just hope manufactures are willing to license it, because this is something that should come from the factory. Check out this demo of the new WaterBlocking technology.

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